EVIDENT Serious Game

The EVIDENT serious game explores consumer behaviour in response to a malfunctioning home appliance. Specifically, it examines how consumers approach decisions to repair or replace a broken home appliance, and the impact of behavioural biases on these decisions. Through this, informational and educational supports can be developed which more effectively address these biases and support consumers to make more financially and environmentally effective decisions.

Wait until the game loads, then press the green box to start the game…

The serious game itself is a life-simulation game in which users are tasked with maintaining their virtual home, while ensuring their avatar remains comfortable (i.e. basic needs such as hunger, warmth and hygiene are met), while monitoring their financial and energy consumption. Within this game, you will learn that an appliance has malfunctioned, and a repairperson is called. You should then determine how best to proceed by entering a negotiation with the repair person.

The EVIDENT Serious Game is now available on Android and iOS.

The EVIDENT Serious Game is now available on Android and iOS.

The EVIDENT Serious Game is now available on Android and iOS.

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