News and events

Here you can find the news, events, blog posts and relevant updates of the EVIDENT project.

2705, 2024
Project results are published on CORDIS

We are excited to announce that the EVIDENT’s results are published on CORDIS ! You can read them here.

1604, 2024
EVIDENT policy briefs

EVIDENT has released two policy briefs:

  • One using the data collected via the Home Energy Reports and
  • One using the data and the insights gathered by the project’s Serious Game

You can find our policy briefs here

503, 2024
Deliverable 5.2: Updated impact evaluation plan and policy measures is out!

The Deliverable 5.2: Updated impact evaluation plan and policy measures is submitted. You can view it here.

403, 2024
EVIDENT presentation to television channel

We are excited to present the EVIDENT’s Serious Game to our Greek audience in National television. For more information, you can visit our LinkedIn and Facebook posts.

2902, 2024
Deliverable 6.5: Verification and validation of the EVIDENT Platform is out

The Deliverable 6.5: Verification and validation of EVIDENT platform, is released by the EVIDENT consortium. You can view the document here.

3101, 2024
New scientific publication

We have released a new Journal publication titled “Empowering Consumers to Repair: The utility and acceptability of a serious game to examine decision-making behavior regarding home appliances in Ireland.”

The scientific paper can be found here.

3001, 2024
EVIDENT newspaper article

The Greek online newspaper “Daily News” released an article about the EVIDENT’s serious game for mobile phones. You can find the article here.

1311, 2023
EVIDENT article on UNITY game creation

EVIDENT just released a technical online article that provides information on how to connect your serious game with the EVIDENT platform. You can find the article here.

  • We are excited to announce that the EVIDENT’s results are published on CORDIS ! You can read them here. […]

  • EVIDENT has released two policy briefs:

    • One using the data collected via the Home Energy Reports and
    • One using the data and the insights gathered by […]
  • The Deliverable 5.2: Updated impact evaluation plan and policy measures is submitted. You can view it here.

  • We are excited to present the EVIDENT’s Serious Game to our Greek audience in National television. For more information, you can visit our

  • The Deliverable 6.5: Verification and validation of EVIDENT platform, is released by the EVIDENT consortium. You can view the document here. […]

  • We have released a new Journal publication titled “Empowering Consumers to Repair: The utility and acceptability of a serious game to examine decision-making behavior regarding home […]

  • The Greek online newspaper “Daily News” released an article about the EVIDENT’s serious game for mobile phones. You can find the article

  • EVIDENT just released a technical online article that provides information on how to connect your serious game with the EVIDENT platform. You can find the article […]

  • The Evident project has two primary components: EVIDENT Platform and EVIDENT Serious Game. During the development of the Serious […]