
EVIDENT uses newsletters as a form of communication to share knowledge with the scientific community, with policy makers and with EU citizens. The project intents to to provide open data, open services and open-source code to any interested party in order to limit the time for absorbing and using the results of the project.

Read our first newsletter

Welcome to the first newsletter of the Horizon 2020 bEhaVioral Insights anD Effective eNergy policy acTions (EVIDENT) project. EVIDENT is EU Funded Research and Innovation Project and this first newsletter provides a short introduction. We hope you will find the contents of this newsletter interesting, and your comments and suggestions are always appreciated.

Read our second newsletter

The key components of the EVIDENT project are the experiments and quasi-experiments which will seek to examine the impact of behavioural interventions on energy efficiency. A description of all use cases to be employed in the EVIDENT project are discussed in this newsletter, with reference to experimental design, research question, participants, tools, and any ethical or quality factors.